Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Performance Tuning Hints blog

I used to write a blog on Performance tuning hints which is available in http://perfhints.blogspot.com/. Click here to visit my performance tuning blog.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Webload Proxy

When forum was active, lot of people asked “Why webload is not recording web site which are accessed through proxy?

Here is the solution for that issue.

Before start recording in Webload IDE, we need to set the configuration to access the web application through webload that needs to be test. One of the most important step in that is setting up proxy information in Webload.

For setting up the proxy, first we need to determine your proxy name and port. We can 

easily check in your browser. For example in internet explorer, we can check by selecting menu Tools | Internet Options, then select “Connections” tab and click “Lan Settings” button.

Once you determine your corparate proxy name and port, the same can be set in Webload IDE by following the below step.

1. Open the Webload IDE

2. Select Tools | Record Options and then select the Proxy Options tab.

3. Check the Use Secondary Proxy option

4. In the Secondary Proxy Name field, type the name of your organization's proxy

5. In the Secondary Proxy Port field, type the port number of your organization's proxy in secondary proxy username and secondary proxy password

6. If your proxy has authentication, then enter the proxy username and password

7. Click OK.

Your “Recording Option” in Webload IDE might look like below picture.


Webload Basic

Webload is a very good tool for load testing. But lacks good documents. So I decided to write blog to help users who looks for some samples and other details about webload. 

I am planning to write series of samples and explain the same. Here is the first sample and its explanation.

Sample Code - 1
/***** WLIDE - JavaScript - ID:2 *****/
// wlHttp.SaveSource instructs webload to store the response page source of the next Get/Post request.
// Kindly remember, it will store only for next request.
InfoMessage("Page Source : " + document.wlSource); // END WLIDE

// Stores Headers information in to variable x

// Header is nothing but an key value pair.
// So Here I am printing the Key/value pair
for (i=0;i
Key " + x[i].key + " Value : " + x[i].value)

1. wlHttp object stores/manages the immediate user activity that is going to happen. 
2. wlHttp.SaveSource="Yes" ==> Request webload engine to store the result page of next request(both Get and Post) in document.wlSource. This document.wlSource can be used for parameterization.
3. document.wlHeaders ==> Has information of the last header received from server. HTTP header is a key value pair. Header information will be send by server for every Get/Post request. This will be automatically stored into document.wlHeaders; no need to special instruction required like page source.

Comments are always welcome.

Happy Testing.

Webload Forum

As I thought initially, Radview has finally removed their forum from www.webload.org. Just because webload has closed their forum, they can't stop the community. So I am planning to kick start the blog to help webload community. Also i have started the webload group. Details are given below.

Group Address: http://groups.google.com/group/performance-testing-using-webload
Current email address: performance-testing-using-webload@googlegroups.com
